You can bank on our experience
Strategies that lack a proper implementation plan are significantly less likely to be successful. The same applies to projects that have been either short staffed or lack the right subject matter experts. As the implementation partner, MMG can assume ownership of project, test and change management responsibilities for short or long-term initiatives, ensuring a sound implementation plan with the right mix of expertise.
Project Management
Test Management
Change Management
Project Management
Leadership of the initiative with project management experts who are skilled in various implementation techniques and project methodologies.
The success of projects and initiatives rely heavily on the professional experts that are either in charge of the initiative or provide the needed subject matter expertise. MMG has extensive experience in delivering successful projects across a wide variety of industries and topics. Our team of professionals rely on their proven track record of successfully delivering projects in either more traditional or agile ways. The project management services provided by MMG offer solutions across all levels of hierarchy, ranging from traditional project managers to subject matter experts drawn from MMG’s pool of professional experts.
Project management experts are readily available
Flexible resource allocation according to demands
Projects are delivered on time
Projects are delivered within budget
Increased likelihood of project success
Success Stories
Global Human Resources Provider: Development of a branch incentive scheme
As part of a larger initiative in overhauling the incentive plan for its employees, the client wanted to introduce a new compensation model that took country and market-specific requirements into account. As the project was quite complex and required significant effort, MMG had a project manager, business analyst and multiple subject matter experts involved in the delivery of the project.
Remuneration Models:
Our Experts
in Implementation and much more
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